Connect with marine, maritime and coastal professionals beyond Academia. Establish connections and collaborate with researchers and the blue economy actors across the alliance of European University of the Seas.
Explore collaboration opportunities
Enhance skills and career paths
Enhance skills, explore opportunities and join our network of doctoral students, doctorate holders and professionals from the blue economy.
Sharpen skills and gain new knowledge
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Explore opportunities to boost your professional and scientific career and collaborate marine, maritime and coastal professionals. Jointly fuel the economy in a sustainable and forward-thinking way.
Opportunities.sea-eu was developed by the Erasmus+ SEA-EU Alliance and the Erasmus+ SEA-EU Doc project.
The aim of the platform is to enhance professional and scientific career of doctoral students and researchers through increasing knowledge exchange and dialogue among researchers and professionals across the SEA-EU alliance.
It provides information on existing collaboration and job opportunities within the SEA-EU Alliance aimed at researchers, students and non-academic staff whose study, research and work is related to the field of blue economy.
It also promotes access to shared infrastructure and directory of research groups of the SEA-EU Alliance, enabling members to identify common and strategic topics between researchers.
To address the employment challenges of doctoral students, Blue Doctoral Community was established.
Blue Doctoral Community provides current and former doctoral students with opportunities to connect with peers and establish collaborations for joint research and professional activities.
The platform facilitates knowledge exchange across different member groups, enabling new development of new skills and motivation to understand and address the new challenges blue economy and society are facing.
Business actors have access to high quality employees and researchers that can help them implement new innovations and solutions as response to the multiple transitions the economy is facing.
Join our community and create impact
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
- Ryunosuke Satoro
Doctoral students
Doctoral holders
Business actors